
Free consultation

Contact us for a free half-hour consultation, and we’ll see if we can help - we may not be the right fit for your challenge, and by contacting us we can find out and plan the next step if we match. At EcoEthics Consulting we want to be transparent and honest - if we are not the right ones to assist, we will tell you so.

Presentations and public speaking

Do you need someone to talk about green communication, green marketing and greenwashing? We are ready to illuminate these topics, either if its a marketing department, a conference or a project group.

Workshops, brainstorming and consulting services

EcoEthics Consulting can contribute in many ways. Use us as a devil’s advocate for your next marketing campaign, have us lead a workshop finding new realms of communication, or have us do it for you - ready to implement out of the box.

We are ready to contribute and adapt to your unique situation.

"In a world that's waking up to the importance of sustainability, we stand at the crossroads of innovation and responsibility. Our choices now will define the legacy we leave for generations to come. Together, we have the power to weave green practices into the golden standards of business excellence, creating an economy that thrives on the principles of ecology and prosperity. Join us as we embark on this transformative journey where environmental consciousness becomes the benchmark of success — let's make green the new gold."

— Andreas Vestvann Johnsen

Book a free consultation